September 11
• My
June 2001 pictures of the
Trade Center Twin Towers
- -
said it was like a movie. That was one of my first thoughts, too. But it
wasn't. A movie would have wrapped up against a goosebump-hoisting soundtrack
after a couple hours, a steroid-powered hero having tidily dispensed of
the evil ones and, the lights highlighting his sweat-glazed brow, uttered
a clever quip to a packaged blond and send all us popcorn-chompers on our
way. But this wasn't surreal. It was real. The agony stayed; so did the
As a student of media, I've
been watching how media is a part of how we come to grips with September
11. I've sorted out some of my own thoughts and clipped other items below:
From this site:
• Being
in Chicago after the attacks
• Det.
Free Press op-ed:War looms an uncertain task
• Chimes
op-ed: Dual identies, different destinies: being American and Christian
at at time like this
• September
11, 2001
Web clippings:
• NYTimes:
Plane crashes collapse World Trade Center Towers
• Nationwide
front pages
• Bush
speech transcript
• Chicago
shuts down in wake of attacks
• NYTimes:
Fighting for life 50 floors up
• National
Review: It Happened Here
• Atlantic
Monthly: Ground zero the day after
• John
McCain eulogy at Mark Bingham's funeral
• Barnhardt
Television diary
• James
Lileks: Where were you when you heard
• Michael
Wolff: Ambiguous New War
• AP:
Satan in the smoke?
• Bush's
Faustian deal with the Taliban (May '01)
• London
Guardian: They don't see why they are hated
• London
Guardian: Future of skyscrapers
• Salon:
Preparing for the Worst
• Salon:
Religion's place
Sept. 11
• Back
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